Changes from 1.01 to 1.02 ------------------------- There have been little changes. In fact this is 1.01 released again with the little bugs fixed up. I am preparing version 1.1 with a lot of changes. It still has some bugs to be fixed. - Some known bugs have been fixed up. - There is no more restriction on this software. There is a key comming with the distribution to allow acess to all functions. The software will not expire any more for this version. Versions comming after this still expire. - The Sound association file is NakedEye.snd . It is the default association file for GIF and VOC files. If you have a soundblaster card, simply edit this file to set up the association and play the sound. The key M is used to activate the sound when you are having a slide show. - The TEXT association file is NakedEye.trc . It allows you to set the association between GIF and TEXT files. The text file can be displayed by selecting ShowText on the control panel or T when a slide show is on. This is for people who want to display some comments or poetry etc. * Version 1.1 will be released later in the year when I get the bugs out. It will be very different with pop-up menu user interface. It will also support XMS memory. I will also rewrite the documentation to make it simple and precise. Changes from 1.0 to 1.0.1 ------------------------- There are several changes. I am not rewriting the manual because it simply take too much time to be worth it. From now on all new changes will be in this NOTE.TXT file. There have been changes from version 1.0 to version 1.0.1 Most features are the same but the internal implementations may have changed for better or for worse. You will find the version number changes very slowly because the software is fairly complete in what it is designed to be: a GIF Viewer Here are the changes from 1.0 to 1.0.1 (Oct 1991). A * means important. * The executable is now abbreviated to ne.exe . Many people have found NakedEye is too long to type. - NakedEye will swap itself to EMS or XMS memory if DOS escape is invoked by F9 or SHELL. If it cannot find either types of memory it will spawn the DOS shell without swapping itself out of conventional memory. * NakedEye is now an overlay program. It will have only active segments in conventional memory. The rest is in a memory cache in EMS or XMS. This has released about 60K extra out for general use. Typically after start-up there will be 370K of memory left for general use. You should set up your system with some EMS memory if you have 2Mbytes or more of memory. A line like the following (or similar) can be added to your config.sys device=c:\dos\emm386.exe 1024 ram If you have a lot of memory then the more memory is set up for EMS the faster NakedEye will refresh display and paint the next picture. I prefer to reboot my machine with a different set up when I want to use NakedEye with a lot of GIF files. There are many programs on the net for this purpose. It is recommended that NakedEye is installed on your hard disk. Running NakedEye from a floppy disk is too slow. - Rotation and Resize are now faster if there is enough memory. NakedEye will swap itself out of conventional memory and invoke a tiny program outside to do the job. If there is about 500K left when NakedEye starts, it will be able to deal with images of size 800x600 or similar sizes very effectively. * A small change to user interface. Option /m alone will put it into a selection menu which was the default in version 1.0. It is nicer to start NakedEye into the first picture for experienced users. - NakedEye will now deal with about 97Mbytes of information after decompression from GIF into normal indexed raster image. About 200 GIF files can be opened in a session if they are not all too big. * Command Shake'it and ShLevel are added for the pleasure of the eyes. The Shake'it command add vibration to a selected region. The other tells NakedEye how much to shake the region. Use the mouse to pause for selecting more regions to be set into motion. Type ESC will get you back to normal control. * Command Curtain and Curmode are added. Curtain draws a curtain of 50% visibility across the area selected. Curmode controls the direction of drawing. This set is another chewing gum for the eyes. These weird commands and the lenses etc ... are the unique features of NakedEye. * A sound player is incorporated in the distribution. It is called SPLAYER.EXE . This program will play a VOC format file for the Sound Blaster card continuously. Two commands are added into NakedEye 1.0.1 called Music and Mfile. Music plays the sound file associating with a gif file. Mfile let you name the associating file for GIF and VOC files. You need a Sound Blaster board to play music/sound while looking at the GIF files. This SPLAYER.EXE program takes an optional argument -ns standing for non-stop playing. The format of the sound association file is simple. A line starting with # is a comment line. The rest contain two formats; one for the sound player and the other for GIF and VOC files Example: File NakedEye.SND ###################################################################### # This is the sample sound association file. # # The character # is used to comment a line. # # # # player should be set to your favourite VOC player. The default one # # is SPLAYER.EXE distributed with NakedEye 1.0.1 . There can be more # # than one player. The last one immediate before the correct # # GIF = VOC association entry will be used to play the VOC file. # # # ###################################################################### player=.\splayer.exe paradise.gif=.\oxygen.voc wgardn1.gif=.\waltz1.voc The above file shows an example of the sound association file between GIF files and VOC files for NakedEye 1.0.1. You can see that the sound player is .\splayer.exe and for every GIF file there is a VOC file name. Also note that the file name on the right hand side of = is with full directory path name. The name on the left is the filename of the GIF file without the directory path. Now you can set up the association file between GIF and VOC and play music or sound when you view the picture. BE CAREFUL and make sure that FULL PATH NAMES are used for the sound player and the VOC files. If this is not set correctly NakedEye will simply complain "Cannot open". You will have to edit your own association file or modify the sample file NakedEye.SND to make sure that it works even when you run NakedEye from a directory different from where you install NakedEye. The key M was used for displaying the memory status in 1.0 Now it is used to play sound (Music). When you first request for music, NakedEye will ask for the association file name. It will scan the file for GIF <-> VOC association and play the VOC file. Subsequent request will cause NakedEye to scan the same association file. You can change the association file any time by the command Mfile which must be selected from the control panel. * Slide show with MUSIC is possible now with NakedEye 1.0.1 You simply type M when the slide show is on (using F2). NakedEye will play the VOC file associating with the current GIF file, when finished it will display the next GIF file and play the next sound file and so on ... When the slide show and music are on at the same time, to stop them you have to type ESC twice. Until NakedEye 1.0.2, Good Bye and hope you enjoy NakedEye.